Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) aims at providing nicotine to a smoker in a form other than the harmful cigarette smoke. 5 million smokers die every year. More than 4000 harmful chemicals present in cigarette lead to these deaths. But it is the chemical nicotine which keeps a smoker addicted to this habit.
There are some indications which reveal that NRT can help in quitting smoking 1.5-2 times more easily than seeking no aid to do the same.
What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy?
- In many ways, nicotine is unique when compared to other drugs. When taken in lower dosage, it acts like a stimulant. When taken in higher dosage, its profile changes as a pain killer or sedative.
- This substance in itself does not produce the damaging effects associated with it. But when it mixes with the ingredients of tobacco, the combination turn out to be complex and harmful.
- The powerful withdrawal symptoms experienced after quitting smoking is attributed to the presence of nicotine in the brain.
- NRT helps in reducing the urges to smoke in the days and weeks which follow after giving up of this habit.
- It is available in the form of gum, inhaler, patches, spray, lozenge, tablets and snus.
When is Nicotine Replacement Therapy Effective?
According to a research report published in the November 2009 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals, a combination of nicotine patches and lozenge is the most effective method to quit smoking.
- The study was carried out by researchers from the University of Wisconsin Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, Madison on 1,504 participants.
- These participants used to smoke 10 cigarettes per day for the last six months and were asked to quit smoking.
- They were divided into six groups based on the type of treatment provided during the study.
- Of all the administered treatment options, the group which was given nicotine patches and lozenge in combined form succeeded in quitting smoking early and successfully.
Additional Information
It is for sure that quitting smoking is not easy for chain smokers who cannot do without smoking a single hour. Those who have a habit of smoking a cigarette every one hour or half an hour, would find it terribly difficult to deal with Nicotine Withdrawal Cravings once they quit smoking.
It is during this stage that a smoker’s patience is tried real hard. If he manages to deal with his nicotine withdrawal cravings, he can double his chances of going smoke-free successfully. If not, then many smokers return to smoking in no time.
Thus for the aid of such chain smokers who find it awfully difficult to deal with Nicotine withdrawal cravings, there is Nicotine Replacement Therapy. This therapy provides you with nicotine when you crave for it, yet differently than cigarettes. Unlike cigarettes it doesn’t contain toxic tar or carbon monoxide or any other cancer causing materials.
When you feel like smoking, you can take in –
Microtabs – This a tiny tablets that you should keep under your tongue. They quickly get dissolved and control your craving for Nicotine.
Nicotine Gums – These gums let the nicotine to get absorbed through the lining of your mouth.
Nicotine Lozenges – These lozenges release nicotine but they take about half an hour to dissolve.
Nicotine Nasal Spray – This gives smokers a quick dose of nicotine through the lining of their nose.
Nicotine Patches – Nicotine patches work well for smokers. You can try wearing them and see the difference yourself.
Quit Smoking Laser Treatment
Decided to quit smoking and wondering how? Here is an effective way to treat the problem, the quit smoking Laser treatment. Many people quit smoking only after one laser treatment. You are likely to have no craving for nicotine after undergoing the treatment. Laser care also offers a stress relief system. If you are stressed in future, do not succumb to a cigarette. Just use the effective stress relief system to get yourself out of the stress.
Duration of the Treatment
Laser treatment itself takes less than half an hour. However, there are consultation before and instruction period after the treatment. So it may need merely one hour for an appointment. The pre and post treatment sessions will include the instructions on how to reduce your stress in many effective ways.
Effect of the Laser treatment
Laser treatment relaxes the patient. Though the effect may differ a little from man to man, the only thing he/she feels is the relaxation. Some may feel a little light headed, but it is momentary. The physical craving to smoke will be gone. But you have to work on your habit of smoking. Once you achieve that, there is no substitute for the Laser treatment to quit smoking.