Throughout our twenties, thirties and forties we expect our menstrual cycles to run smoothly and regularly, but, in reality, hiccups frequently occur. Hormone balance is a fragile affair and anything..
Browsing: Women Health
Women are born with hundreds of thousands of follicles in their ovaries. Over the years eggs mature within these follicles and are released with every passing cycle. Eventually there are too..
The ideal way to feed your baby is as nature intended, with breast milk. Breast milk is the most nutritionally complete food you can offer your infant for both physical and mental development..
Genetic counseling is aimed at determining the risk you run of passing on an inherited disease to your child. You may need advice if you are over the age of 35 or if you or your partner..
The classic treatment of ectopic pregnancy is using surgery. The abdomen must be opened surgically and the fallopian tubes with the ectopic pregnancy removed to arrest or prevent serious bleeding as a result of its rupturing. Increasingly..
Pregnancy is a time when one is usually out of shape and also may look tired and listless. One tends to neglect one’s appearance. Naturally, it is essential to change one’s attitude and realize..
Threatened miscarriage is treated by nothing more specific than reassurance and follow-up ultrasound scans to check that everything is going well. Traditionally, bed rest was recommended, but doctors now know that this..
Teenage pregnancy is on the rise on account of promiscuity. In the West of course pre-marital sex is the accepted norm, so many teenagers do get themselves aborted in case they get pregnant. In the East, pre-marital sex is..
Leukorrhea is a women specific problem. It is thick, whitish discharge from the genitals. It can occur due to excessive…
The sudden rush to the bathroom, the sense of impending doom (no one likes wet panties), and the incredible burning pain as the stream begins are all indications of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Most women know..