Do you know Henna has been used for centuries and has formerly been used as a medicinal herb? However, the…
Browsing: Beauty Tips
Lemons have often been dubbed as a super-fruit, given their immense benefits. They have been actively used in cooking and…
Nobody likes to grow old, especially women. Women are very conscious of their looks. They always like to attract the opposite sex. Naturally, they would like to preserve their freshness. Wrinkles are something that cause much distress.
Unlike the last decade when thin, one-lined eyebrows were the fashion thing, the last few years have set the trend…
Who doesn’t want to look beautiful? Every woman struggles hard to maintain healthy skin and look stunningly gorgeous. But there…
Everybody wants white skin, and they try their best to maintain their complexion. Since ages, fair skin is considered a…
Hair is one of our most valuable assets. Everyone wants healthy, bouncy hair. Despite a busy life, most of us…
It is natural that women long to have soft silky hair to enhance their appearance on a few occasions. Nobody…
The sebaceous glands, commonly known as the oil glands of the skin secrete oil to keep the skin soft and…
Early in the morning, you look at yourself in the mirror, and your face looks dull shabby with black spots…
People often get depressed when they lose a lot of hair every day. People experience severe hair loss due to…
Your skin can look absolutely devoid of moisture, unhealthy and unattractive in the winter months. The skin worsens under the conditions of low humidity, indoor heating and outdoor exposure. Experts suggest that protecting…
Tattoo is a word derived from Polynesian “tatau” which means “correct, workmanlike”. In total there are 5 types of tattoos.…
The joining of eyebrows together is termed as unibrow. Some men as well as women have their eyebrows joined together and naturally it does not give a good appearance. The eyebrow looks very bushy and for women it can make them look very..