Belly fat is very common to people who are obese. It is very unattractive to have belly fat and also people can develop diabetes as well heart disease. Belly fat occurs due to fat deposits inside the peritoneal cavity that actually surrounds the spaces between one’s stomach, the intestine as well as other organs. Home remedies for belly fat are better option if you want to get rid of those extra slabs at your belly.
The two main causes of belly fat is leading a sedentary lifestyle and bad food habits.
Exercise helps and eating the right kinds of foods, less in fat and carbohydrates can reduce belly fat. There are weight loss exercise programs at gyms and also pills to reduce fat. But one can also try home remedies for getting rid of belly fat.
Home Remedies for Belly Fat
Below are some of the home remedies for belly fat which are beneficial:
- One must increase one’s body metabolism – Our body actually burns foods that contain carbohydrates, fats and protein into energy. One must have a low carbohydrate diet, which is the best way to shed the fat on the tummy. Surplus fat is got rid of and the belly becomes toned up.
- Eating right fats – Do not completely cut off the fatty foods. One must eat in moderation. Fats are essential for the body as they regulate the blood pressure, blood clotting, heart rate as well as the nervous system. One must have foods which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as sunflower, corn, soy. Apart from eating sea foods such as sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel etc, and foods that are rich in Omega3 fatty acids.
- Control your appetite – One must eat healthy foods and also keep away from fast as well as junk foods. Moat of the junk foods are full of saturated fats, cholesterol as well as sugar. Whole grain, fish, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, nuts, cereals, which help in toning up the body and making it flab free.
- Do not overdo cardio exercises – Cardio workout as well as strength training are the best way to get rid of belly fats. Instead of undertaking excessive cardio exercises, experts feel that it is better to carry out High Interval Intensity(HIIT)Training. Cardio- intensity exercises must start with low intensity exercises followed by high intensity exercises.
- One must control stress levels – When one is under stress one feels more hungry and tends to eat more than the body requires. Most of the fats get concentrated in the abdomen. In case one leads a stress free life one can control one’s body fat.
- Adequate sleep – One must have sufficient sleep. Sleep controls body weight. People who slept only 5 hours usually gain weight as compared to those who sleep for 7 hours.
- Iodine balance must be maintained in one’s body – At times under active thyroid can also cause weight gain. Thyroid controls our metabolism and also prevents the accumulation of the fat in one’s body. One can control the iodine content by having mineral iodine in one’s diet.
Belly fat can be controlled by eating right, leading a stress free life and also doing adequate exercises.
Some other home remedies for belly fat
- Lemon juice and honey: Mix fresh lemon juice and honey in a glass of warm water and have every morning on an empty stomach. It help in better digestion of fats
- Mint leaves: You can boil some fresh mint leaves in water and have this brew every morning on an empty stomach. It helps break down fats faster
- Indian plum leaves: You can soak some leaves in water overnight. In the morning throw the leaves and drink this water. It helps dissolve fats and helps body use them more efficiently
Diet for belly fat
Along with these home remedies, you need to pay attention to what you eat. You need to make sure that you have a few lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with lots of water and fluids at regular intervals all through the day. Include lots of foods that contain Vitamin C like citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and Indian gooseberry in your diet. Make it a point to have something bitter like bitter gourd minimum once a day. Reduce your intake of sugars, salt and alcoholic beverages.